COOLCLIMATE Keep it Cool – Climate Change Education for Children
The aim of this project is to strengthen high school teacher’s and non – formal educators’ knowledge and necessary skills to teach students about climate change (causes, consequences, mitigation and adaptation strategies) at high school level. This will activate students’ commitment to understand and contribute to Climate Change adaptation on local level. They could take local actions with global influence in mind.
In order to reach this aim, the OBJECTIVES are as follows:
O1. To conceptualize a methodological approach and prepare an educational framework for CCE teaching at secondary school level for formal and non-formal education.
O2. To develop a teacher training program which will include theoretical and practical training on CCE.
O3. To organize teacher training activity based on the developed program in order to test and validate the outputs created.
O4. To organize a multiplier event for high school teachers and non-formal educators with the purpose to share the project results.
GreenVET will develop an educational package consisting of 4 modules, which will be transformed into a digital platform that utilizes gamification to enhance the capacity IMR companies and employees to transition towards a green economy. It will be implemented in 5 EU countries, and at least 60 apprenticeships will be offered to trainees to join GreenVET badged IMR companies. Finally, it will conduct awareness campaigns, including an international conference and 5 info days
The results of project are expected to contribute to these objectives and to the following SCHOOL EDUCATION PRIORITIES as described in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide:
1. Digital Education;
2. Green and Sustainable Education;
3. Supporting teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions;
Target groups:
MAIN: Secondary school teachers
MAIN: Secondary school students
INDIRECT TARGET GROUPS: non-formal education providers who are in pursuit of a new educational material which could help to build and expand our societies’ resilience to future threats of climate change such are, forest fires, floods, droughts, food insecurity or disease outbreaks, etc.
These objectives aim to increase awareness, train, and provide knowledge and skills to the targeted groups regarding the significance of green transition and sustainable practices towards achieving the ultimately goal of an IMR sector operating in line with the EU Green Deal.
- Kaunas Old Town Daycare Center (Kaunas, Lithuania)
- Kaunas S. Darius ir S. Girėnas Gymnasium (Kaunas, Lithuania)
- Minds Europe (Castilla y León, Spain)

Year of implementation
Financing Institution
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