Our work is often resulted in publishing our reserch in the top tier academic journals.

Rookie Tourism Destinations—The Effects of Attractiveness Factors on Destination Image and Revisit Intention with the Satisfaction Mediation Effect

Digital Skills and Behaviours of Youth That Are Relevant for Digital Culture: A Two-Country Self-Evaluation Perspective

A mindful shift: an opportunity for mindfulness-driven tourism in a post-pandemic world

The view from above: the relevance of shared aerial drone videos for destination marketing

Shared Aerial Drone Videos — Prospects and Problems for Volunteered Geographic Information Research

Impact of the European Capital of Culture project on the image of the city of Novi Sad: The perception of the local community

From children to seniors: is culture accessible to everyone?

Quantitative Geodiversity Assessment of the Fruška Gora Mt. (North Serbia) by Using the Geodiversity Index

What will prevail within citybreak travel, motivation or demotivation?: Case study of Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia