D-Upskill.50 – Smart toolkit for supporting adult workers and adults educators in the educational digital upskilling pathways
- To increase adult educators’ self-awareness on the skills and competences gaps in the area of digital pedagogical competences;
- To increase adult educators’ knowledge on how to design, plan and implement their digital teaching;
- To increase adult educators’ confidence in integrating technologies in their teaching practice;
- To increase adult educators’ soft skills needed for a successful and engaging digital delivery.
- Exchange of experiences, best practices, and approaches between peers consisting in pedagogical conversation and informal learning among the participating institutions and target groups;
- Design, implementation and pilot testing of the project results with teachers and trainers: self-assessment tool, the electronic guides and the VideoBook platform;
- Dissemination and multiplication of the project outcomes within and outside the participating organizations.
- Smart Digital Health-Check Tool for Adults Educators. The Smart Digital Health-Check Tool consists on an online dynamic questionnaire (web responsive) that will be focused on exploring the four pedagogical digital skills that have been identified in the DigCompEdu and that we consider the most relevant ones for a further analysis: 1) Digital resources; 2) Teaching and Learning; 3) Assessment; 4) Empowerment strategies for learners.
- E-Guides for Adults Educators based on Design Thinking Human-Centered Methodology (E-book format). The second result is aimed on adult educators who undergo the digital health-check have the opportunity to choose which area they want/need to improve and will have the resources to do so. R2 consists on the elaboration of a set of four interactive electronic guides that will support educators in improving those skills that have been identified by the assessment tool “Smart Digital Health-Check Tool”.
- VideoBook Platform. Result number 3 contemplates the creation of an open access VideoBook Platform that allows the digital contents to be globally accessible, as they are in English and translated into the 6 languages of the project, allowing the possibility of sharing them with other users and in spaces aimed at generating social networks.
- Increased knowledge about the existence of the EU Competence Framework for Educators;
- Increased educator’s self-awareness on skills and competence gaps in the area of pedagogical competence for at least 90 teachers;
- Increased confidence in integrating technologies in educator’s teaching practice;
- Increased educator’s knowledge on designing, planning and implementing digital teaching;
- Increased soft-skills such as critical thinking, creativity and adaptability for teachers and educators.
- The Square Dot Team (Belgium, coordinator)
- CESUR (Spain)
- die Berater (Austria)
- Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)
- Minds Europe (Serbia)
- CESIE (Italy)

Number of the project
Dates of implementation
28/02/2022 – 28/02/2024
Financing Institution
Erasmus+ KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
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