EduAId – Transforming Education with AI Micro-credentials for Educators, Teachers and School Heads


EduAId aims to foster change in the educational landscape by integrating AI related tools and practices through a microcredentials approach, targeting teachers, school heads and educators.

The project seeks to enhance digital literacy, foster personalized learning environments, and promote continuous professional development.

EduAid intends to equip educators with tools and knowledge necessary to leverage AI technologies, ultimately improving teaching quality and student outcomes in Europe.

Work packages

WP1 Project Management
WP2 Desk research and need assessment (including legal, policy and ethical issues)
WP3 Digital ecosystem design, development and management (training platform, microcredentials gamification app, AI-based chatbot)
WP4 Teachers, School Heads and Educators Training
WP5 Communication, dissemination and results exploitation

Selected results

  • Enhancing competencies of teachers, school heads, and educators in using digital and AI-based teaching methods.
  • Piloting an innovative digital solution for teachers, school heads, and educators.
  • Fostering innovation and supporting innovators among teachers, school heads, and educators.
  • Establishing a micro-credentialing system for teachers, school heads, and educators.
  • Promoting quality and effectivity in education for all, including disadvantaged categories and learners with special needs.



Number of the project


Dates of implementation

01/11/2024 – 31/10/2027

Financing Institution

Erasmus+ KA220-ADU – KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education

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